Connecticut EMDR Psychotherapists Directory
Providing information regarding psychotherapists trained in EMDR in Connecticut
What is EMDR?
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy is a highly effective, evidenced-based psychotherapeutic treatment approach that is successful in treating not only the wide range of single to complex traumatic events but additionally a wide scope of clinical issues such as: phobias, self-defeating or self-harming behaviors, panic attacks, relationship issues, grief and loss and binge eating and behavioral addictions, to name just a few. The therapists listed on this website are EMDR Therapy trained, and/or EMDR Therapy Certified and may additionally hold advanced certification in Consultation, Teaching and Training. EMDR Therapy is one modality amongst a rich multitude of interventions that the psychotherapists listed here share in common to treat trauma and other psychological conditions. The psychotherapists in this directory represent a community comprised with approaches stemming from a vast range of skill-sets, disciplines, therapeutic orientations, expertise and training.
The CT EMDR Therapists Directory does not examine, determine, or warrant the competence of any EMDR therapist listed in this and does not warrant that the EMDR therapists listed in this Directory are currently or properly licensed. Under no circumstances should this Directory be used to verify the credentials of EMDR therapists. Use of this Directory wholly voluntary and will not result in any liability against CT EMDR Therapists Directory. In no event shall the CT EMDR Therapists Directory be liable for damages to any user of the Directory.
A-Z Directory of Therapists
Training Events & News
CT EMDR Networking Group
Coordinated by Deb Del Vecchio-Scully, LPC and the Center for NeuroPotential. Email-
for information.
Provider Directory Updates
If you are a new provider who wishes to be added to the website or an existing provider who needs to make changes to your profile, please contact:
Vinny Hollister